Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for all of us!

merry Christmas everyone

We all had a tough year, especially in our shipping industry, everything went from bad to very bad, but everyone stayed positive as we always are and we managed to overcome all the challenges in a productive way, so we learned:

  • A shipping container is not just a box, a piece of steel that helps in transportation of goods, it’s a commodity that can be very versatile at the moment
  • Shipping is not always cheap and if it goes up, all prices, all economy and all other industries will be affected
  • Whatever will happen, people will stay together and work things out for the good and benefit of everyone
  • Ports around the US need some help with getting more space for dry boxes depots, increased workforce and logistics
  • China can export more than they’re saying, and can flood all ports with shipping containers around the world
  • Truckers worked more and harder this year, so that everyone has their Christmas presents ready and meals prepped for this Christmas Eve
  • Liners, sailors, industry workers, worked hard, long hours and made Santa come in every corner of the world
  • Vendors and manufacturers, built more shipping containers than ever to supply the demand and fill the gap that was created last year
  • Customers were more careful on their spending trends and went from storage, directly to buying a shipping container, understanding the importance of a secure, reliable and dry space to store goods around the house or in their back yard

For all of these and even more, we thank everyone that made this year a better one for each and one of us. We thank the our customers truckers, vendors and manufacturers, industry workers, port personnel, and everyone around the world for trying to make this year a winner after all that has happened around the globe. Let’s stick together next year as well and make it a better one! Merry Christmas and Happy Blessed Holidays from our YES Containers team !

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